BlueCross. BlueShield. FEP Dental(R);396920888;i ========================= We're here for your oral health Dental care is an important part of your overall health. That's why it's a good idea to think about your oral health and make sure you have the coverage you need. ========================= We're honored to offer quality dental benefits like these to uniformed service retirees and their families. ----------------------------- Covering our share from the start You pay no deductible for in-network services, like fillings and root canals, so you can get the care you need. Giving you more peace of mind Preventive care is fully covered when visiting in-network dentists, including up to three dental cleanings every year. Keeping in-network care close All members enjoy the same great network—get in-network care at over half a million dentists and their locations nationwide. Giving you more for less Retired uniformed service members and their families can get comprehensive family dental coverage that works for your budget. ----------------------------- That's the Benefit of Blue.(R) Learn More;396920888;i ----------------------------- Stay connected to @bcbsfepdental Facebook:;396920888;c Instagram;396920888;j Linked In;396920888;l YouTube:;396920888;l ----------------------------- FEDVIP ----------------------------- Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association 750 9th St NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20001 (C) 2000-2024 All rights reserved. This is a summary of the many features and benefits of BCBS FEP Dental(R). For a complete description, please view the benefit brochure. The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association is an association of independent, locally operated Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies. The Blue Cross(R) and Blue Shield(R) words and symbols and BCBS FEP Dental(R) are all trademarks owned by Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. ----------------------------- Terms & Conditions:;396920888;x Contact Us:;396920888;n Privacy Policy:;396920888;o Unsubscribe